Provider enrolment and credentialing is a critical aspect of your practice. It helps your patients to use their insurance cards to pay for your medical services, and it enables you get reimbursed quickly and seamlessly for the medical services that you provide.
As critical as this aspect of your practice is, it is also very time-consuming. It takes time to compile all the credentials and documentation needed by insurance agencies. Plus, all this needs to be done accurately without delays, redundancies, or mistakes.
Medeye LLC provides professional enrolment and credentialing services for individual practices and healthcare groups so you can focus on what's important – your patients.
Don't waste time communicating with insurance carriers or gathering enrolment and credentialing information. Don't waste time or lose out on your cashflow situations that are unavoidable when you have to focus your time on provider enrolment and credentialing. Let us take over all your Provider Enrolment and credentialing requirements.
Medeye LLC can take over all your documenting and filing of credentials and other details that insurance carriers request when you make your claims. Our team ensures great care in the process and spares no effort in ensuring that the flow of information between you and the insurance agencies is smooth and transparent.